Stuck Between Worlds

Man what a year. First WW3 memes with Australia on fire, then a pandemic which quite literally changed life as we know it. Add to that a summer of racial tensions and then a crazy election, life in America has been a mixture of both really exciting, really stressful, and really boring. But tonight, I'm here to talk about my experience with being an American, being Asian, being a Christian, and often just feeling like I don't truly 'fit in'. To start off, let's go all the way back before I was born, back to the 70s. During that decade, my parents immigrated over to the US. Being fairly young (before their teen years), most of their main education was in the US as opposed to other's who came to the US for college or post-grad opportunities. Fast forward to March 19th, 1999, Dennis and Angela had a son, and the world would never be the same. I'm technically first generation, but part of me feels second generation. I have a lot of first-gen Asian American...