
Showing posts from October, 2021

Dissecting the Gospel of Marriage and the Reality of Singleness

  "Marriage is the greatest blessing in life" Christians LOVE talking about marriage and if you're in college, you're practically drowning in relationship talk. It's the tea. You're drowning in the tea. When you meet someone who you have not seen for a while, after the standard pleasantries of "what have you been up to?" have been exchanged, the topic invariably goes to "how's the love life?" At least once a school year (if not once a term), there is a relationship talk. Some older Christians seem set on trying to set you up. For as much as we sing love songs to God, we seem too often to be equally focused on finding that someone "special" we can sing love songs to as well. When we leave the halls of our church and go into the secular world, marriage and relationships are shoved into our face as well. Any dissection of the music charts reveals song after song about love. We all know that it's important and we should want